Thursday, 26 April 2018


Gaming Industry - classwork

1. what is henry Jenkins theory?

focus on the ideas of media convergence, fan culture, fan fiction, blogging, collective intelligence, and participatory culture.

2. when was his theory first introduced?
it was introduced in 1992

3. what is participatory culture and web 2.0?

Jenkins noted that the development of “new” Media (roughly post 2000) has accelerated “participatory culture”, in which audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers. They create online communities, produce new creative forms, collaborate to solve problems, and shape the flow of media. This generates what Jenkins describes as “collective intelligence”.

The web 2.0 it refers to the way media has transgressed into a new realm of engagement. the current state of the web, the new 'version' in comparison to what it used to be, it is now considers how the web allows.

4. what are the effects of fandom on transmedia learning?